Max Payne 3

Max Payne 3

Rockstar Games
Versija 2012
Pilna versija
3.55 MB
Patvirtintas saugumas
Patvirtintas saugumas
A must for any Max Payne fan.

To commemorate the upcoming release of one of the most exciting game franchises, This Max Payne 3 file is a wallpaper featuring the main character, Max Payne, and shares the same name as the game. If you are not familiar with who Max Payne is, he was named as the best video game character in 2001 by Eurogamer. The Max Payne series places the gamer in shoes of a former policeman that has become a vigilante. His interesting sense of justice and quick with is what makes him such a popular figure among video game fans.
This epic wallpaper features a partial image of Max Payne’s blood-spattered face. On the right side, the white, grunge looking logo stands out against a black background. The overall design of the wallpaper leaves plenty of black space for placing your desktop icons so they will not be hard to find. If you are a fan of Max Payne or the franchise, this is the perfect wallpaper for you.

Max Payne 3
Max Payne 3
Rockstar Games
Versija 2012
Pilna versija
3.55 MB
Patvirtintas saugumas
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