Smart DNS Proxy

Smart DNS Proxy

Versija 1.0.10
Laikinoji versija
0.24 MB
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Smart DNS Proxy which provides wonderful speeds to stream Netflix and other media.

Having trouble streaming your favorite content from overseas at a decent speed? Odds are that your VPN is slowing down your connection, and preventing you from being able to blaze through all of your favorite series.
Forget slow streaming when you join the millions who have decided to use Smart DNS Proxy as the solution to all of their needs.
The service, which offers both a VPN and Smart DNS Proxy, allows users to enjoy the best of both worlds. Those looking for a virtual private network to lock up their data tight are covered, as well as those looking for a DNS Proxy to stream online content at unmatched speeds.
So how do both of these services work exactly?
Smart DNS Proxy works by changing the DNS you are connected to, whereas the virtual private network works by changing your IP address to a foreign server. The main difference is that the Smart DNS proxy is an unencrypted service, whereas the virtual private network is encrypted. Why choose one or the other? Why not just have both!
Use the Smart DNS Proxy for streaming content, and use the VPN for bank transactions, emails, and other private content.
Whatever your needs may be, rest assured that Smart DNS Proxy can go above and beyond to provide you with a superior web experience.

• Stream Content at Unmatched Speeds – Smart DNS Proxy allows you to stream at unmatched speeds when just using the Proxy and not VPN. Due to the VPN encrypting activity, the connection is severely slowed down. However the Proxy does not encrypt, and allows you to stream with minimal delay.
• Excellent 24/7 Support – Setting up a Proxy or VPN can often be difficult, but with Smart DNS’s team guiding you along the way the whole process becomes a breeze. With an excellent and knowledgeable support team, and dozens of helpful articles on the website, resolving issues should take only minutes.
• Zero DNS Leaks – Never worry about leaking your DNS again when connected to one of DNS Smart Proxy’s servers. Users concerned about privacy from internet service providers and other eavesdroppers can rest assured that their info will be securely locked up.
Smart DNS Proxy is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac, Ubuntu Android, iOS, and routers.
Smart DNS Proxy is an interesting service as it offers both a VPN and DNS Proxy. The two aspects are both impressive; however the Smart DNS proxy takes the cake for the better of the two.
Smart DNS is a product which allows users to connect to a DNS Proxy which reroutes their connection to a foreign DNS server, granting greater access to the web. The service was built specifically for those looking to quickly stream online content, as the service does not encrypt any activity. However that aspect is a double edged sword, as the connection is far quicker, but is not encrypted.
Encrypting data is great for security reasons, as it does lock up users’ data and prevent anyone from being able to view past activity. However, encrypting significantly slows down the speed of the connection, and for such a simple thing as streaming, it is unnecessary. For those looking for a private and secure connection, using the virtual private network rather than the Proxy is a better bet.
In regards to the VPN, the service offers decent coverage in a fair amount of countries, however is quite underdeveloped. There is very little information about the VPN available online, which likely deters many users from taking the risk to invest in it.
By subscribing to the VPN service, users also have full access to the DNS Proxy, which is often better depending on the situation. Users can choose which service they would like to connect to based on their privacy needs and expected connection speed.
Overall, for those looking for a quick way to stream, and occasionally stay protected, then Smart DNS Proxy is a pretty good choice. Though the VPN is somewhat underdeveloped, it still offers protection, and the ability to switch to the DNS Proxy at any time.
Servers and Speed
Countries – 27 (for VPN). 22 (for DNS Proxy)
Server Count – 37 (for VPN). 30 (for DNS Proxy)
Speeds – Minimal decrease in speeds as there is no encryption and IP address is not changed (for DNS Proxy).
Does it Work with Netflix?
Does it Work in China?

Smart DNS Proxy
Smart DNS Proxy
Versija 1.0.10
Laikinoji versija
0.24 MB
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