PractiCount and Invoice

PractiCount and Invoice

Practiline Software
Versija 2.4
Laikinoji versija
1.61 MB
Patvirtintas saugumas
Patvirtintas saugumas
Skaičiuoja žodžius ir generuoja sąskaitas

Many writers the world over make their living word per word, literally. Per word payments have been the bread and butter for many writers, creative or otherwise. Figuring out exactly how many words you have written may be an easy task if you are only dealing with one document, but a large project can span many documents in many formats. PractiCount and Invoice is a multi-faceted writer’s assistant, making it easier for you to not only figure out how much work you have done, but also how much you should charge for it.
Use this program to tally your words from Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents, as well as documents from Corel Word Perfect(WPD), Adobe Acrobat(PDF), HTML and many more. Don’t limit yourself to just counting words either; count characters (with and without spaces), lines, pages, printed pages and even Japanese, Chinese and Korean words. You can also calculate word frequency by counting repetitions, and customise your results by specifying exactly where in each document to count. PractiCount and Invoice is more than just a counting machine; as the name suggests, you can use it generate your invoice as well. Specify currency and rates and let it do all the busy work for you. Runs on all versions of Windows.

Astro sako:

  • Dirba su daugybe dokumentų tipų
  • Paprastai patogu naudoti
  • Sutaupo laiko išrašant vertimo projektų sąskaitas
  • Neatsiliepiantis klientų aptarnavimas
  • Netikslus žodžių skaičiavimas kai kurių tipų dokumentuose
PractiCount and Invoice
PractiCount and Invoice
Practiline Software
Versija 2.4
Laikinoji versija
1.61 MB
Patvirtintas saugumas

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