Facebook Pro

Facebook Pro

Facebook Inc
1.08 MB
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Redaktoriaus pasirinkimas: Facebook Pro

Facebook Pro is an application that has just one goal; providing the user with quick and efficient access to Facebook with no need for a browser. And Facebook Pro is entirely successful in that goal. All you do is install it, and click on the icon whenever you want to use it – simple. The first time you use it Facebook Pro quickly leads you to the Facebook home page so that you can log in with your usual details. Straight away you have all the wonderful possibilities of Facebook in your grasp – all without needing to use a browser.
The real advantage of this software resides in its ability to be launched from any portable device. So, if you are using a different computer from usual, you can use Facebook Pro to access Facebook without needing to log in on that computer’s browser. The program is completely free, easy to install and doesn’t contain any annoying (or even non-annoying) ads.

Suteikia prieigą prie vartotojo „Facebook“ paskyros

For Facebook lovers who want to be able to access their accounts without needing a browser Facebook Pro is the application you need. It provides a streamlined way of accessing your Facebook by simply installing the application and clicking on the icon. When first installed users are directed to the Facebook home page, where they need to insert their credentials. Once completed full access is granted. Facebook Pro enables users to do everything with Facebook that they would be able to do from a standard browser. This includes reading, commenting, liking and sharing their newsfeed, friend’s posts and statuses, viewing friends’ profiles, reading messages and news, and of course, play games and viewing photographs. There are Lite and Mobile modes of Facebook Pro, as well as links to popular Facebook pages and the Facebook blog. This highly portable application, can be used from any removable storage device, without the need to install it on a new computer.
Facebook Pro is free to download, has no ads, and is compatible with Microsoft Windows. But, a word of caution, it does require administration rights to be installed and external links are opened on Internet Explorer; it is not compatible with any other browsers.

Astro sako:

  • Eliminates need for browser to use Facebook
  • Enables users to focus on Facebook
  • Suitable even for novice computer users
  • Very similar to browser version
  • Little difference from using site in incognito mode
Facebook Pro
Facebook Pro
Facebook Inc
1.08 MB
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