Bejeweled 3

Bejeweled 3

Versija New
Laikinoji versija
Patvirtintas saugumas
Patvirtintas saugumas
An improved and updated version of the classic matching game.

The popular jewel-matching game is back with Bejeweled 3. The developers have found a way to make the match three game seem new and fresh. With the added Butterflies mode and Quest mode, you will be bashing brightly colored crystals for hours.
Even though this is the third installment to the series, PopCap has seemingly found a way to make each new release the same, yet different. This is in part thanks to the simplistic design of the game, which allows the developers freedom of creative flexibility. Butterflies mode makes you free butterflies that are trapped in crystals. In order to set them free, you have to, of course, match three like-colored crystals before they are eaten by a spider.
This game mode makes you think about your next move several moves before you make it. The Quest mode displays the improved features of Bejeweled 3. There are 40 stages that are diverse and gradually become more challenging. Most of the missions will seem similar to the previous versions of the game, but the tiered structure will prove to be challenging. The Quest mode is also the best mode for learning the strategies you will need to advance in the games other modes. If you are a fan of the Bejeweled series, you will be pleasantly pleased with this third instalment.

Bejeweled 3
Bejeweled 3
Versija New
Laikinoji versija
Patvirtintas saugumas
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Bejeweled 3 alternatyvos - programinės įrangos palyginimo lentelė:
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Malonus žaidimas kompiuteriams ir mobiliesiems telefonams
17.7K Atsisiuntimai
81.70 MB
Taktinis kompiuterinis burbulų sprogdinimo žaidimas
643 Atsisiuntimai
2.70 MB
Žodžių spėjimo žaidimas
2.2K Atsisiuntimai
2.29 MB
Galvosūkių žaidimas archeologine tema
2.7K Atsisiuntimai
25.32 MB
Galvosūkių sprendimo vaizdo žaidimas, kurio tikslas yra tapti Romos imperatoriumi
1.3K Atsisiuntimai
12.40 MB
Fantastinis strateginis monetų derinimo žaidimas
301 Atsisiuntimai
5.95 MB
Kompiuterinis spalvų suderinimo žaidimas su fonine muzika
1000 Atsisiuntimai
6.45 MB
Galvosūkių žaidimas, apimantis loginius ir matematinius galvosūkius
265 Atsisiuntimai
1.50 MB
Mėgaukitės įdomiu „match-3“ ir „breakout“ stiliaus žaidimu su brangakmeniais
662 Atsisiuntimai
20.36 MB
Klasikinio kompiuterinio kortų žaidimo dar įdomesnė versija
1.5K Atsisiuntimai
2.47 MB

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